Friday, May 3, 2013

They Vanished...

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"Street Kids",

It's a label slapped on minors forehead pretty much stating their homeless. I mean who would want to admit that there are teenagers that are homeless?
This is an on going issue in first world country's (and many others). We should not have kids on the streets or anyone for that matter. It makes me feel ashamed to be part this world. The worst part is that no one really notices. We just pass by without giving a second glance. A lot of people just assume "Eh. He's just a druggie." I mean why else would a minor be homeless? Hm...


Did you ever think for a second that this is a good smart kid who is not in trouble with the law? A lot of runaways are minors who cannot go home, because for them home is not safe anymore. At least not with Dad and it's drinking...I cannot watch Mom get beaten anymore anyway. People need open their eyes and see that some of these minors are just kids trying to stay safe. Why is it that no one is trying to help these kids get in a safe place. No I don't mean a shelter, they kick you out in the morning. I mean a home a home they can feel safe, loved, and welcomed in. It's almost like we are disposing these minors. I say we need make a difference and start supporting and rising awareness for non-profit organizations whose goal is to help these minors. We need let people know that not all those minors are druggies or a trouble teen. I think what gets to me the most is that the majority of people act like they don't exist; It's almost like they vanished.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Silent Monster

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Today I got an anonymous message asking to write about Anorexia so I did. Please remember that I openly accept request. You can send them Anonymously if you wish. I'll write about anything. Requests a greatly appreciated.

Anorexia / Bulimia / Eating Disorders Hotlines

Eating Disorders Information and Referral Line: 1-800-931-2237

National Crisis Line - Anorexia and Bulimia: 1-800-233-4357

Overeaters Abuse Hotline: 1-800-888-4680

National Eating Disorder Hotline: 1-800-248-3285

Food Addiction Hotline: 1-800-872-0088

 Anorexia Nervosa, Is a very serious eating disorder which complex of 

  • Refusal to maintain a healthy weight
  • Fear of gaining weight
  • Distorted body image
There are two types of Anorexia Nevosa the most well known is the "restricting type" is when someone with Anorexia loses weight by... 
  • Restricting food with high amounts of calories (or calories all together)
  • Extreme diets
  • Fasting
  • Over exercising
Then there is the "purging type" this is when someone loses weight by forcing their self to vomit or  using laxatives and diuretics.

Anorexia Is very sad because the person truly believes they will not be beautiful until they reach a weight in which it is very dangerous and possibly life threatening. Anorexia affects the person who has the addiction is affected mentally as well because they believe they are "fat" which causes them to become insecure about their body image. Since a young age women are told to look a certain way. From Barbie dolls to magazine's to billboards girls are told they won't be beautiful until they become thin, this is beyond sickening and far from the truth. Weight does NOT define beauty nor does your jean size. As a guy myself I find it a turn off when a girl is so skinny you can see every bone in her body.  The worst part is that girls young as six have eating disorders.



Aren't you forgetting something?

Oh right! Of course...One the biggest myths out their is that only girls have eating disorders. Which is not true. Men have eating disorders too. It is more common in women, but that doesn't mean their aren't a lot of men with eating disorders.


And that just because you're skinny doesn't mean you have an eating disorder. Another fact is that even overweight people can have an eating disorder.

I HIGHLY encourage EVERYONE to visit HelpGuide.Orgs' Anorexia section.

Disclaim: I do not own the image above. I am also not a professional. The information given the purely from research and my personal opinion. The Information given below is from I am no way or form part of that organization  I take NO credit for everything below.

Facts and Myths

Eating Disorder Facts & Myths

About 50% of all people in the U.S. either know someone with an eating disorder or have been personally affected by one.  Despite that, major misconceptions about eating disorders are widespread.  These myths can lead to stigma, making it difficult for some individuals to seek treatment and often making it less likely that medical professionals will identify or diagnose eating disorders when they occur outside of the stereotypes. 
Below are some of the most common myths about eating disorders and the facts to counter them. It’s important that we continue to provide education and increase awareness about eating disorders to help dispel these myths.
MythYou can tell if someone has an eating disorder simply by looking at them
Facts and Myths
Fact:  Individuals with eating disorders come in all shapes and sizes. Many times, the media and other public discussions about eating disorders focus solely on individuals with a diagnosis of anorexia who are severely emaciated.  In reality, many individuals with anorexia may not ever appear so drastically underweight.  Furthermore, many individuals with severe disorders including bulimia, binge eating, and EDNOS can be underweight, normal weight, overweight or obese and often fluctuate in weight. Even athletes who appear to be incredibly fit might be struggling with an eating disorder. The bottom line is that you cannot define someone’s health by how much they weigh and you cannot determine whether they have an eating disorder just by looking at them.
Myth:  Eating Disorders are caused by Photoshopped images in the media
Fact: Many people are exposed to the media and altered images on a daily basis but only a small percentage of them actually develop eating disorders. Eating Disorders are serious illnesses that have biological, genetic and psychological underpinnings.  Sociocultural messages about weight and beauty (including photoshopped images) can certainly impact a person’s body image and stimulate pressures to look a certain way, but they cannot cause an eating disorder.
MythMen don’t get eating disorders
Fact: At least 1 out of every 10 people with an eating disorder is male. In fact, within certain diagnostic categories like Binge Eating Disorder, men represent as many as 40% of those affected. In a recently released report from the American Academy of Pediatrics, boys and men were cited as one of the groups seeing the fastest rise in eating disorders over the past 10 years along with 8-12 year old and ethnic minorities.  It’s equally important to screen for eating disorders among females and males.
MythOnly people of high socioeconomic status get eating disorders
Fact:  People in all socioeconomic levels have eating disorders. The disorders have been identified across all socioeconomic groups, age groups, both sexes, and in many countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and South America. (source: NEDA) 
Myth:  Eating Disorders are a lifestyle choice; someone can choose to stop having an eating disorder.
Fact:  Eating disorders are serious illnesses with mental and physical consequences that often involve a great deal of suffering.  Someone can make the choice to pursue recovery, but the act of recovery itself is a lot of hard work and involves more than simply deciding to not act on symptoms. In most cases, the eating disorder has become a person’s primary way of coping with intense emotions and difficult life events.  In order to heal from the eating disorder, a person needs appropriate treatment and support regarding medical monitoring, nutritional rehabilitation as well as learning and practicing healthier ways to manage stress.
MythPurging is an effective way to lose weight
Fact: Purging does not result in ridding the body of ingested food. At least half of what is consumed during a binge typically remains in the body even after self-induced vomiting. It’s important to know that laxatives do not prevent the body from absorbing calories either because they impact the large intestine and most calories are absorbed in the small intestine. Laxatives may provide an illusion of weight loss because they stimulate a temporary loss of fluids from the body which can lead to dehydration. Purging does not cause weight loss, nor does it prevent weight gain. In fact, over time, the binge/purge cycle can actually contribute to increased or accelerated weight gain as it affects the body’s metabolic rate.  For these reasons, many people with bulimia are average or above-average weight.
MythEating Disorders are a result of over controlling parents and dysfunctional families
Fact: In the past, parents were often blamed for an individual’s eating disorder but new research and conventional wisdom have helped to dispel this myth.  Families affected by eating disorders are very diverse.  We now know that between 50-80% of a person’s risk for developing an eating disorder is due to genetic factors. We also know that parents and families can play an integral role in helping a loved one recover.  For this reason family therapy is a primary therapeutic modality used for adolescents and is also strongly encouraged for adults.
MythAnorexia is the only life threatening eating disorder
Fact:  Eating Disorders in general have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. Recent research has expanded our knowledge about the risks associated with each of the specific diagnoses.
The research (Crow, S., et al. 2009) showed mortality rates for bulimia and EDNOS that were similar to, and higher, than those for anorexia. Bulimia had a 3.9% mortality rate and EDNOS had a 5.2% mortality rate while anorexia had a 4.0% rate.  These numbers were based on a study of individuals seeking outpatient services.  Without treatment, it’s suspected that as many as 20% individuals will die as a result of their illness. Even for patients whose eating disorders don't prove fatal, there are often severe medical complications associated with starvation and purging, including bone disease, cardiac complications, gastrointestinal distress, and infertility.
MythRecovery from eating disorders is rare                                                                                                 
Fact: Recovery, though challenging, is absolutely possible.  Recovery can take months or years, but with treatment, many people do eventually recover and go on to live a life free from their eating disorder.  Read more about this topic on our outcomes page.

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Not that long ago I got an anonymous message on Tumblr asking If I'll write my opinion on abortion. you go Anonymous.

Note: This is just my personal view on the topic.
I agree and disagree with abortion. You need look at it both ways. I think choosing to have an abortion is like getting a sex change or getting implants. It's a personal choice and you should not be judged based on it or told it's wrong.
I think it's okay to get an abortion depending on the situation  I think if you are a young person who's in school or planning to be in school in the very near future then it's okay to get an abortion. Now here comes the but...personally I feel it's not okay to get an abortion if you are a grown adult (30+) who is not in school. You do not want the child? That is perfectly okay it is your choice, but you do not need take away something that could become a human (besides that one cell that could cure everything.). There are other options like adoption for example. However If you have a job that could be affected due to pregnancy (Policing, military  firefighter,pilot,etc) then that is another story.

I understand that other people have different views on this. However I ask that you do not message me/comment that my views aren't right. If you want to share you're view be polite about it.

Remember you can comment/request me to write an article anonymous if you want.


This is my personal opinion as a male I feel that my opinion on this matter DOES NOT matter. Why? Because I am not a female therefore I believe I have no right to say if a women should or shouldn't get abortion. I simply wrote about this because it was requested and I always accept requests.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

They Are Killers

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Just a month ago I was in the pit (a open space in the middle of the school near the cafeteria) and one of my teachers’ was talking to my group. The band room is nearby and one the schools best singers was trying to sing the song Sky Fall. She did not hit the high note very well. My teacher chuckled and with a smirk said to my group “Someone really needs to work on their singing.” My group laughed. I witness a Leadership teacher make a rude, mean, and unprofessional comment. I do not care what others say THIS is considered bullying. He could have said it in a nice way, but chose not to. Now even though it was impossible for her to hear him. I made my heartbreak for her. People who bully others to death are MURDERERS, They should be punish. We need to set an example. Bullying can lead to death, drug’s, self-harm, (a) eating disorder, depression, suicide and many other things. What get's to me the most is that this isn't a young teacher and that he's a leadership teacher.

My Opinion of Suicide

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Today I got an anonymous message asking me my opinion of suicide. Here is what I said.

I been waiting for this message for a while now, thanks for asking. 
Now I could easily sum this up in two lines, but I am not going to. Suicide is a very big issue in my country (Canada) It is the second leading cause of death. Personally I think suicide is the worst idea ever. People think that committing suicide will take the pain away that it’ll free them. Their wrong. Suicide doesn't take away the pain it just passes it on to other people. The grief the family and friends go through is indescribable. It saddens me that people would take their life because of on going issue(s) in their life. Suicide ruins your future and it means you gave up the battle. Many people tell me that no one will care and that sometimes upsets me. Sure some peoples family will be happy if they die(That makes me want to beat their family with a baseball bat to near death). It’s not just family/friends who care, it’s everyone. Strangers, peers, the bus driver, teachers. So many people care.  it’s so tragic. It destroys people. It affects everyone. Someone giving up their future! They could do so much in life. What if Demi Lovato decided to commit suicide at 16? What if Obama was bullied because he was black and decided to take his life? I bet you that those people (and many others) did not think they would make a difference in the world, but they did. You CANNOT sit there and tell me “I do not matter, I won’t make a difference. No one cares about me” No, NO, NO! if you did not get that NO! You, me, the homeless guy on 5th ave. WE ALL CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Everyone. We are given this life because we are strong enough to live it. To give up on life because someone/something is pushing you to the edge is not the right choice.  We all have the power to change the world. 
Could you imagine being a mother/father and hearing your teenagers alarm clock going off and yelling at them from downstairs to turn it off, but they do. not So you walk into their bedroom and see your son/daughter hanging from the closet. Then right than and their time stops. You try to scream their name, you try to scream for help. Nothing. You are standing there you just frozen. You collapse onto the floor and ball your eyes out. You cannot breath. The worst part? You had a fight with them last night and they ran into their room. 
I cannot imagine that, the pain and grief  It’s over whelming  So do answer your question Anonymous my opinion on suicide is that it needs to stop. That no matter what is going on in your life suicide is NEVER the answer.



Hia! Welcome to my Blogger. I've always wanted to express how I feel about things and write about changing the world. Not to mention share my inspiring stories. I felt like no one would read my post. So I decided to create a blog. I happy invite anyone to send me a request (You can remain anonymous) on something they want me to write about. I'll write about anything, even you're story.