Thursday, May 2, 2013


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Not that long ago I got an anonymous message on Tumblr asking If I'll write my opinion on abortion. you go Anonymous.

Note: This is just my personal view on the topic.
I agree and disagree with abortion. You need look at it both ways. I think choosing to have an abortion is like getting a sex change or getting implants. It's a personal choice and you should not be judged based on it or told it's wrong.
I think it's okay to get an abortion depending on the situation  I think if you are a young person who's in school or planning to be in school in the very near future then it's okay to get an abortion. Now here comes the but...personally I feel it's not okay to get an abortion if you are a grown adult (30+) who is not in school. You do not want the child? That is perfectly okay it is your choice, but you do not need take away something that could become a human (besides that one cell that could cure everything.). There are other options like adoption for example. However If you have a job that could be affected due to pregnancy (Policing, military  firefighter,pilot,etc) then that is another story.

I understand that other people have different views on this. However I ask that you do not message me/comment that my views aren't right. If you want to share you're view be polite about it.

Remember you can comment/request me to write an article anonymous if you want.


This is my personal opinion as a male I feel that my opinion on this matter DOES NOT matter. Why? Because I am not a female therefore I believe I have no right to say if a women should or shouldn't get abortion. I simply wrote about this because it was requested and I always accept requests.


  1. I think that age isn't that important in the matter. There are plenty of reasons someone might get pregnant accidentally (condoms breaking, not being 100% effective, etc.) while still being responsible, and going through a pregnancy, even if you're giving the baby away, is a huge deal. No matter what you do, it will affect your job. You won't be able to work as well, you'll throw up a lot and end up having to miss work for a while. You could easily lose your job or at least lose pay you need from it (let alone the hospital bills).
    I don't think there are people out there, especially adults (30+) who just think "ehh, I don't really feel like having this baby."
    An abortion is a serious thing, and the average person who gets one thinks long and hard about it, often feeling serious guilt.
    Money/job/school aside, every pregnancy has a risk of serious medical complications, even if the probability varies from person to person.
    I understand that there are some people, especially younger people, who use abortion instead of birth control. Outside of domestic abuse cases (this is often the case, where the woman is not allowed to use any birth control or will be beaten or even killed), I do not think it is morally okay (though, of course, morals vary and people don't have to agree with me). I still think it should be legally okay because it's pretty hard to prove it's happening like that, and plus, it's just MY morals.
    In a utopia, we'd be able to move the fetus to a surrogate and then the whole issue would be solved. No babies would have to die, no women would be forced to grow something inside their body that could even harm them. That's not an option, though.
    I'd also note that all of these above view do not apply to the 3rd trimester. Like the average pro-choice person, I don't think it's okay to have an abortion that late without a very good reason (like a medical reason). Again, those are moral views, though the legal ones correlate with them.
    Do remember that science has shown when the baby can actually start thinking, and that non-emergency abortions happen BEFORE that. It has the same life-potential as sperm or eggs, which are flushed every month. They're just combined and starting to grow at this point.

    1. You got some very good points their Anon. Thanks for commenting and sharing your views on this story. :)
