Through out our lives we make and lose countless friends and most of us many lovers. A true friend is someone who is therefore you throughout your toughest times. They see you at your worst and your best. These are the people who you call at 3:00 AM on a school night and the first thing out of their month is "What's wrong?".
Many teenage relationships don't last because people forget the meaning of what it is to be in love, to fall for someone who who they are the inside. We are so focused on sex and looks we forget the most important thing...being a friend before a lover. It's sad, What happened? What's happening? Girls complain that there are not hot guys to date...EXCUSE ME? Is that what this generation has come to? That we fixate on looks? Sure of course looks are important, but they shouldn't be the first thing we look for in a partner. A lover is someone like...like...like...Eden. I could give you a very long list of how I don't deserve her. She knows I'm broken. She's the type of person you should be with. You would never in a trillion years meet someone like her. I can over react, get mad, and be a complete jack ass and not let her get a word in...then a minute later look into eyes and all she does is smile and say "Hun...I hate seeing you like this. I want to cheer you up. I love you, Okay?" That's it. She is perfect. She understands. She's my best friend. I love her. Everyday I screw something up, but that doesn't matter to her. Imgaine the most understanding person you know, now times that by about 100. Guys/Girls, If your girl is half the women Eden is...marry her. You aren't going find another like them. This is the type of person that you could hurt so badly, but they would still love you. Do you know how rare that is? [To Be Continued..]
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