Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My Opinion of Suicide

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Today I got an anonymous message asking me my opinion of suicide. Here is what I said.

I been waiting for this message for a while now, thanks for asking. 
Now I could easily sum this up in two lines, but I am not going to. Suicide is a very big issue in my country (Canada) It is the second leading cause of death. Personally I think suicide is the worst idea ever. People think that committing suicide will take the pain away that it’ll free them. Their wrong. Suicide doesn't take away the pain it just passes it on to other people. The grief the family and friends go through is indescribable. It saddens me that people would take their life because of on going issue(s) in their life. Suicide ruins your future and it means you gave up the battle. Many people tell me that no one will care and that sometimes upsets me. Sure some peoples family will be happy if they die(That makes me want to beat their family with a baseball bat to near death). It’s not just family/friends who care, it’s everyone. Strangers, peers, the bus driver, teachers. So many people care.  it’s so tragic. It destroys people. It affects everyone. Someone giving up their future! They could do so much in life. What if Demi Lovato decided to commit suicide at 16? What if Obama was bullied because he was black and decided to take his life? I bet you that those people (and many others) did not think they would make a difference in the world, but they did. You CANNOT sit there and tell me “I do not matter, I won’t make a difference. No one cares about me” No, NO, NO! if you did not get that NO! You, me, the homeless guy on 5th ave. WE ALL CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Everyone. We are given this life because we are strong enough to live it. To give up on life because someone/something is pushing you to the edge is not the right choice.  We all have the power to change the world. 
Could you imagine being a mother/father and hearing your teenagers alarm clock going off and yelling at them from downstairs to turn it off, but they do. not So you walk into their bedroom and see your son/daughter hanging from the closet. Then right than and their time stops. You try to scream their name, you try to scream for help. Nothing. You are standing there you just frozen. You collapse onto the floor and ball your eyes out. You cannot breath. The worst part? You had a fight with them last night and they ran into their room. 
I cannot imagine that, the pain and grief  It’s over whelming  So do answer your question Anonymous my opinion on suicide is that it needs to stop. That no matter what is going on in your life suicide is NEVER the answer.


  1. do u realy beleive that

    1. Of course I do Anonymous! :)

      Thanks sooo much for commenting!

  2. This is really inspiring. I love this <3
